Brazilian Walnut - Ipe    

Description of the Tree: The tree is described as medium-sized, attaining a height of 65 to 85 feet (20 to 25 m), with a trunk diameter of about 30 inches (75 cm). Boles are straight to somewhat slanted, and are often clear of branches to about two-thirds the total height of the tree.

Occurrence: Brazil - CE, GO, MG/SP, PR

Characteristics of the Wood: Brazilian walnut is the most durable hardwood in our collection and one of the most durable and beautiful woods in the world. Its blend of brown colors has made this wood the choice of some most famous homeowners in the world.
Sapwood is yellowish white or whitish in color.

Heartwood is olive-brown in color, with lighter or darker streaks. The pores themselves will often appear as fine yellow dots, or as longitudinal lines. It has a fine texture, medium luster, and a somewhat oily appearance. Wood surfaces are reported to be often covered with a yellow powder. Ipe is very hard (two to three times as hard as oak), very strong and very heavy. It weighs approximately 70 pounds per cubic foot and sinks in water.

Natural Durability: The heartwood is reported to be very resistant to decay and attack by termites. It is rated as resistant to attack by dry wood insects but susceptible to marine borer attack. Holds up well in tropical conditions as well as winter freezes. Makes outstanding decking.

Treat ability: difficult.
Surfacing: regular
Sawing: regular
Drilling: easy Finishing: good
Drying: easy with little defects

Uses: Quality furniture and decorative veneers and plywood’s and because of its strength and durability it is used in boardwalks, tool handles, turnery, industrial flooring, truck beds and textile mill items. It is also used in sport articles and toys, pallets and cases. Ipe was recently used on the Miami Beach board walk to cover over some much degraded pressure treated pine.